Understand the Use of Nickel Alloy 800H Tubing in the Power Generation Industry

Understand the Use of Nickel Alloy 800H Tubing in the Power Generation Industry

Understand the Use of Nickel Alloy 800H Tubing in the Power Generation Industry

The power generation industry is a vital sector that drives the global economy. With our increasing reliance on technology and electricity, the demand for power generation systems has not only increased but has become imperative. Pipe systems are one of the most important components of a power plant, as they help transmit the generated heat. In this blog, we will explore one such pipe, nickel alloy 800H tubing, which is widely used in the power generation industry and is a valuable option. Continue reading “Understand the Use of Nickel Alloy 800H Tubing in the Power Generation Industry”

2205 Duplex Pipe

9 Key Properties of 2205 Duplex Pipe [Infographic]

2205 Duplex Pipe

As industries continue to seek materials that offer a balance of strength, corrosion resistance, and cost-effectiveness, 2205 duplex pipe emerges as a notable contender. With its dual-phase microstructure and alloy composition, this type of pipe presents a unique set of characteristics suitable for a range of applications across various sectors. Continue reading “9 Key Properties of 2205 Duplex Pipe [Infographic]”

Nickel alloy 400 tubing

What Are the Important Applications of Nickel Alloy 400 Tubing?

Nickel alloy 400 tubing

Metal alloys are of different types. One of the most used metal alloys is the Nickel Alloy 400 as it has a wide range of applications. Nickel alloy 400 tubing is made of nickel and copper alloy with excellent corrosion resistance properties even in high temperatures. Nickel 400 comprises at least 63% nickel alloyed with copper and iron. Continue reading “What Are the Important Applications of Nickel Alloy 400 Tubing?”

nickel alloy 400 tubing infographic top

7 Common Applications of Nickel Alloy 400 Tubing [Infographic]

Nickel alloy 400 tubing is a highly versatile and corrosion-resistant material that finds extensive use in various industrial applications. Composed primarily of nickel, with copper as a central alloying element, it exhibits excellent resistance to corrosive environments, making it ideal for applications involving chemicals and seawater. Continue reading “7 Common Applications of Nickel Alloy 400 Tubing [Infographic]”

Versatile Benefits of Nickel Alloy 200 Tubing

5 Reasons to Try Nickel Alloy 200 Tubing

Nickel Alloy 200 Tubing

Nickel Alloy 200 tubing is a corrosion-resistant metal tubing made of nickel and copper. The nickel content in this alloy gives it excellent resistance to corrosion caused by various acids and salts. Additionally, its low carbon content makes it immune to sensitization and intergranular corrosion. It is known for its exceptional resistance to different corrosive environments, making it a popular choice in chemical, food, and marine engineering industries. Continue reading “5 Reasons to Try Nickel Alloy 200 Tubing”