8 Interesting Facts Related to Stainless Steel You Should Be Aware Of

Eight stainless steel facts infographic.

Facts Related to Stainless Steel

Thinking or hearing about the word – stainless steel would ring your mind and images of different pipes, fittings, bar stocks, plates, flanges, bars, and so much would come to your mind.

Now stainless is everywhere, in the houses we live in, offices we sat in, our utilities, and much more. The world of stainless steel pipes and other items is not new. It took years and years to reach where it is now.

Now, we are putting some key facts related to stainless steel for you-

  1. Stainless Steel Can Stain

While we think of them as stainless, they can stain.

It creates a thin oxide film when exposed to oxygen, and can regain its original form.

Permanent damage will take too much time, and the oxidizing has to be too hard.

  1. Stainless Steel As Soap

There are ‘soaps’ crated using stainless steel which doesn’t work the regular soap but kills strong odors of onion, fish, and garlic from the hands.

  1. Stainless Steel Is Recyclable

As per the studies from the American Iron and Steel Institute, about 88% of the world’s total steel is recycled.

  1. Stainless Steel As Having Magnetic Properties

While most stainless steel elements are non-magnetic, one specific type i.e.

martensitic stainless steel is ferromagnetic can exhibit permanent magnetic properties.

  1. Stainless Steel In Multiple Forms

It can be drawn into a thin, or it can be turned into a wearable steel mesh, without losing the toughness and other properties.

  1. Stainless Steel Is Used in Clothing

It’s the versatility that stainless steel offers that specific stainless steel wires are used in clothing, for decoration or support.

  1. Stainless Steel Corrodes

Send an electrical pulse through a stainless steel wire, and you will notice it turning yellow and blue, a sign of oxidation.

  1. It Is Everywhere

From kitchen appliances to living room décor item to an accessible building made from stainless steel, you will find this metal everywhere.