6 Reasons to Use Nickel Alloy 800h Tubing for Commercial Purposes

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The world did not wake up to the value of Nickel just the other day. Since pre-civilization times, people used Nickel to make artifacts such as weapons and tools, and even coins. Even today, Nickel alloys have become a must-have, and the trend will not be slowing down any time in the future.

Tubing for Commercial Purposes

The beauty of Nickel is that it can alloy with just about a wide variety of metals such as copper, chromium, and iron, making its use very versatile

Nickel Alloys Used in a Variety of Applications

Nickel alloys are highly useful in a variety of heat and corrosion-resistant applications. These include medical and nuclear power applications, turbines for aircraft gas and steam power plants, and chemical and petroleum industries.

One of the most common Nickel alloys used for commercial purposes is the Nickel alloy 800h tubing.

Properties of the Nickel Alloy 800h Tubing

Nickel Alloy 800h is a combination of Nickel, iron, and Chromium, with the highest concentration being that of Nickel. It also contains very high carbon levels.

Alloy 800h tubing has found its uses in a variety of industries which use heavy-duty equipment such as chemical and oil refineries, plant heaters, pressure vessels, industrial furnaces, and hydrocarbon cracking.

Below are its top properties

  1. Optimum temperature features

While the previous alloy 800 was only used for temperatures up to 1100 degrees F, the 800h alloy can be used in higher temperatures higher than that. Even in extremely high temperatures, the Nickel alloy maintains its stable structure.

  1. Resistant to embrittlement

The high nickel composition makes it highly resistant to embrittlement. That means that it can be hammered or stretched without breaking. Alloy 800h is preferred to stainless steel because it can withstand temperatures as high 1600 degrees F without becoming embrittled.

  1. Resistant to carburization

Carburization is the hardening due to a high carbon infusion during heating. Alloy 800h has an excellent chemical composition to resist carburization.

  1. Corrosion resistance

Nickel 800h exhibits strong properties when it comes to oxidation, sulfiding, and nitriding resistance. Nickel alloys tend to be more resistant than steel.

  1. Ability to overcome stress rapture

The Alloy 800h is a slight modification from the previous Nickel Alloy 800. Different from alloy 800, alloy 800h has a higher carbon content and grain size which makes it a suitable metal in conditions likely to cause high-stress rapture.

  1. Easily weldable

Just like stainless steel, Nickel alloys are weldable with similar techniques used to weld steel. Even more, it is easily machinable and formable.

Final Words

Metals can fail at extremely high temperatures or in maximal environmental conditions of excess moisture or acidity. When you are especially working in a commercial environment, you need to use quality metals that can withstand environmental conditions without damaging their structure.

Nickel 800h alloy is such a metal which has found extensive applications in places where high heat and corrosion resistance is required. Whether you are in the aerospace, chemical and food processing, or even the oil and gas industries, Nickel alloy tubing has all the properties required for a highly functional and durable metal.